Wedding Photography Workshop In Calgary: A Comprehensive Review

IMG_9757 Wedding photography Calgary by Andras Sc… Flickr
IMG_9757 Wedding photography Calgary by Andras Sc… Flickr from

Wedding photography is an art that requires a lot of skill and creativity. It's not just about taking pictures; it's about capturing moments that will be cherished forever. That's why attending a wedding photography workshop is essential for anyone who wants to learn more about this specialized field. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a wedding photography workshop in Calgary, and I must say, it was an incredible experience. In this article, I will share my thoughts and insights about the workshop, and hopefully, it will help those who are considering attending a similar event in the future.

The wedding photography workshop in Calgary was a three-day event that covered a wide range of topics related to wedding photography. The workshop was organized by some of the most experienced wedding photographers in the industry, and they shared their knowledge and expertise with us. The workshop was divided into several sessions, and each session focused on a different aspect of wedding photography.

On the first day of the workshop, we had a session on the basics of wedding photography. The session covered topics such as camera settings, lighting, composition, and posing. The instructor was very knowledgeable and explained everything in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. We also had a hands-on session where we got to practice what we learned. It was a great way to get started and build our confidence.

Lighting Techniques for Wedding Photography

Lighting is one of the most critical aspects of wedding photography. It can make or break a photograph. In the second session of the workshop, we learned about different lighting techniques that are commonly used in wedding photography. The instructor showed us how to use natural light, artificial light, and flash to create different moods and effects. We also learned how to control the direction and intensity of the light to get the desired results. The session was very informative, and we got to practice what we learned by taking pictures of a couple in different lighting situations.

Editing and Post-Processing Techniques for Wedding Photography

Editing and post-processing are essential parts of wedding photography. They can help enhance the images and give them a unique look and feel. In the third session of the workshop, we learned about different editing and post-processing techniques that are commonly used in wedding photography. The instructor showed us how to use software such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to edit and enhance our images. We learned how to adjust the exposure, contrast, color, and other parameters to get the desired results. We also learned about different presets and filters that can be used to create different looks and styles.

Business and Marketing Strategies for Wedding Photographers

Wedding photography is not just about taking pictures; it's also about running a business. In the fourth session of the workshop, we learned about different business and marketing strategies that are essential for wedding photographers. The instructor showed us how to create a portfolio, how to market ourselves, how to price our services, and how to manage our finances. We also learned about different tools and resources that can help us grow our business and reach more clients.

Advanced Techniques for Wedding Photography

The final session of the workshop was focused on advanced techniques for wedding photography. We learned about different creative techniques that can be used to create unique and memorable images. The instructor showed us how to use different lenses, filters, and accessories to create different effects. We also learned about different posing techniques that can be used to create natural and candid images. The session was very inspiring, and we got to practice what we learned by taking pictures of a couple in different settings.


Attending a wedding photography workshop is an excellent way to improve your skills and knowledge in this specialized field. The wedding photography workshop in Calgary was an incredible experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about wedding photography. The workshop covered a wide range of topics, from the basics of wedding photography to advanced techniques and business strategies. It was a great opportunity to learn from some of the most experienced wedding photographers in the industry and to meet other photographers who share the same passion. If you are considering attending a wedding photography workshop, I highly recommend it, and I hope this review has been helpful.

Pros Cons
Comprehensive coverage of wedding photography topics The workshop can be expensive for some
Hands-on practice sessions with couples Limited time for each session
Experienced instructors with a wealth of knowledge Some sessions may not be relevant to your needs
Opportunity to network with other photographers Some sessions may be too basic for experienced photographers

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