The Art Of Wedding Photography On Iphone: A Review, News And Tutorial

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Wedding photography has always been an essential part of capturing the most memorable moments of a couple's big day. With the advancement of technology, more and more people are turning to their smartphones for taking pictures. And the iPhone, being a popular choice for many, has become a go-to device for capturing stunning wedding photos. As an art director, I have explored the world of wedding photography on iPhone and have come up with a review, news, and tutorial that will help you capture the perfect shot on your big day.

In this article, I will cover five topics related to wedding photography on iPhone:

1. The Right Equipment for the Perfect Shot

Before we dive into the technicalities, let's talk about the equipment you need to capture the perfect shot. The iPhone camera is undoubtedly impressive, but it can only do so much. To take your wedding photos to the next level, you'll need a few accessories.


The iPhone camera has a fixed lens, which means that you can't zoom in or out. Investing in a high-quality lens kit will help you capture a wider angle, allowing you to get more of the scene in one shot. You can also opt for telephoto lenses to capture close-up shots without sacrificing quality.


Lighting is crucial in photography, and wedding photography is no exception. If you're shooting indoors or in low light conditions, investing in a portable lighting kit will help you achieve the perfect shot. You can also opt for a reflector to bounce light onto your subject, creating a more natural look.


A tripod is an essential tool for any photographer, and wedding photography is no exception. It will help you stabilize your shots, preventing any blurry images. You can also use a tripod to capture time-lapse videos, adding an extra layer of creativity to your wedding photos.

2. Capturing Candid Moments

Wedding photography is all about capturing candid moments that tell a story. As an iPhone photographer, you have the advantage of being able to capture these moments discreetly. Here are a few tips to help you capture candid moments:

Be Discreet

As a wedding photographer, it's important to blend in with the crowd. The more discreet you are, the more candid moments you'll be able to capture. One way to achieve this is to use the silent mode on your iPhone. This will prevent any distracting noises from your camera.

Use Burst Mode

Burst mode is a fantastic feature on the iPhone that allows you to capture multiple shots in quick succession. It's perfect for capturing candid moments as it allows you to choose the best shot from a series of images.

Shoot from Different Angles

Shooting from different angles will give you a unique perspective on the event. You can capture candid moments from above, below, or even behind your subject. This will add variety to your wedding photos, making them more interesting to look at.

3. Editing Your Wedding Photos

Editing your wedding photos is just as important as capturing them. With the right editing tools, you can enhance the colors, remove any blemishes, and create a cohesive look throughout your wedding album. Here are a few tips for editing your wedding photos:

Use Editing Apps

There are plenty of editing apps available for the iPhone that can help you enhance your wedding photos. Some popular options include VSCO, Snapseed, and Adobe Lightroom. These apps offer a range of tools, including color correction, cropping, and filters.

Keep It Consistent

When editing your wedding photos, it's important to keep the style consistent throughout the album. This will give your photos a cohesive look, making them more enjoyable to look at. One way to achieve this is to use the same filter or color correction on all your photos.

Don't Overdo It

It's easy to get carried away when editing your wedding photos, but it's important not to overdo it. Keep the edits subtle and natural-looking, as you don't want to take away from the beauty of the moment.

4. Using Portrait Mode for Stunning Shots

Portrait mode is a fantastic feature on the iPhone that allows you to capture stunning shots with a blurred background. It's perfect for capturing the bride and groom or even the wedding party. Here are a few tips for using portrait mode:

Get the Right Distance

Portrait mode works best when you're at the right distance from your subject. Make sure you're not too close or too far away, as this can affect the quality of the shot. The iPhone camera will give you a warning if you're too close to your subject.

Use Natural Light

Portrait mode works best in natural light, so try to find an area with plenty of sunlight. Avoid using portrait mode in low light conditions, as this can affect the quality of the shot.

Experiment with Angles

Portrait mode allows you to experiment with different angles, giving you a unique perspective on the subject. Try shooting from above or below to add variety to your wedding photos.

5. Creating a Wedding Album on Your iPhone

Creating a wedding album on your iPhone is a fantastic way to keep all your photos in one place. Here are a few tips to help you create the perfect wedding album:

Use a Photo Book App

There are plenty of photo book apps available for the iPhone that can help you create a beautiful wedding album. Some popular options include Shutterfly, Snapfish, and Mixbook. These apps offer a range of templates and designs, making it easy to create a professional-looking album.

Organize Your Photos

Before creating your wedding album, it's essential to organize your photos. This will make it easier to choose the best shots for your album. You can organize your photos by date or event, making it easier to find the ones you want to include in your album.

Choose a Theme

Choosing a theme for your wedding album will give it a cohesive look. You can choose a theme based on the colors of your wedding, or even the location. This will make your wedding album more enjoyable to look at.

In conclusion, wedding photography on iPhone is an art form that requires the right equipment, techniques, and editing skills. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you'll be able to capture stunning wedding photos that tell a story. Whether you're a professional photographer or just starting, the iPhone is a fantastic tool for capturing the perfect shot.

The Right Equipment for the Perfect Shot- Lenses
- Lighting
- Tripod
Capturing Candid Moments- Be Discreet
- Use Burst Mode
- Shoot from Different Angles
Editing Your Wedding Photos- Use Editing Apps
- Keep It Consistent
- Don't Overdo It
Using Portrait Mode for Stunning Shots- Get the Right Distance
- Use Natural Light
- Experiment with Angles
Creating a Wedding Album on Your iPhone- Use a Photo Book App
- Organize Your Photos
- Choose a Theme

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